01. Digit associator |
02. Modern Hopfield network |
03. Function approximator |
04. Two-input visualizer |
05. Digit classifier |
06. Two-input map |
07. Image2map |
08. Digit2map |
09. Fashion2map |
10. Optimizer |
11. Grid world |
12. Amoeba |
13. Crawling robot |
14. Inverted pendulum |
15. Ball and beam |
16. Lunar lander |
17. Patriot |
18. Video tracking |
19. Juggling robot |
20. Autonomous driving |
21. Self parking |
22. Face landmarks |
23. Eye tracking |
24. Face expressions |
25. Hand signs |
26. Road signs |
27. Car plate recognition |
28. Car model recognition |
29. Chord recognition |
30. Sound recognition |
31. CNN comparison |
32. Detection comparison |
33. Segmentation comparison |
34. Deep RL comparison |
35. Tracking comparison |
36. Car driving (UE) |
37. Car driving (CARLA) |
38. Visual tracking (UE) |
39. Crawling robot (Gym) |
40. Ball and beam (Gym) |
41. Imitation learning |
42. Evolutionary RL |
43. A3C |
44. SAC |
45. T3D |
46. PPO |